Camphill School Aberdeen - A Vision Ahead of Its Time

November 11, 2022


At a time when institutions were at their height, Camphill School, founded on the 1 of June 1940, was the first school and shared living community in the UK for individuals with learning disabilities (according to The Open University). The school took a completely unique and holistic approach to caring for children and young people with learning disabilities, during a time when on average 1300 were institutionalised.


In May 1939, a group of Austrian refugees led by Dr Karl König, an Austrian paediatrician, landed on Scottish shores, with a vision to create a safe and inclusive community for young people with disabilities to grow, learn and live full and happy lives.


Karl König and his forward-thinking refugees established Camphill School Aberdeen four years before the first Education Act in 1944, the Disabled Persons Act in 1944 and eight years before the National Health Service began in 1948.


Camphill was ahead of the curve in every sense and a key influencer in the reform of how people with learning disabilities were supported in the UK. It was thirty years later before the 1970 Handicapped Children Act made education universal.


The school was founded on a whole-person approach, incorporating mind, body and spirit in regard to overall health, inclusivity, creating positive relationships and promoting mutual care and respect for each other. The model cleverly integrates care, education and therapies within a holistic environment.


An essential part of the approach to education at Camphill School Aberdeen is the extension of the formal curriculum with access to 15 craft and land vocational workshops. We learn by doing and working together.


The school’s founding ethos created by Dr König is still the foundation of our community today:

-              Value the uniqueness of each individual

-              Value meaningful work and the importance of life-long learning

-              Value of shared living

-              Mutual respect for each other and the environment


During the early years of the school, Dr König toured the UK to promote his clear vision and approach to the education of children with special needs, which predated modern psychiatry and medicine. He advocated that all children had the right to education.


The Camphill Movement has become one of the largest networks of independent voluntary sector organisations, providing services for people with disabilities around the world, consisting of more than 120 independent charities in 23 countries, which has transformed millions of lives. With new independent communities continually being established.


Our history has shaped how we operate today but is also a unique and very important part of Aberdeen City’s history.


The birthplace of the Global Camphill Movement. One to be very proud of and widely celebrated.


Karl König’s library still survives in situ and The Camphill & Karl König Archive is also housed on the estate, celebrating Camphill School Aberdeen as the centre of best practice techniques in the world, which has transformed millions of lives.

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