Meet Gill Shuttleworth, Head of Care at CSA

November 10, 2022

How long have you worked at Camphill School Aberdeen?

I’ve been at Camphill School Aberdeen for 27 years.


What brought you to Camphill School Aberdeen?

I initially came as a one year volunteer after I finished University as I wanted to gain experience of working with young people with additional support needs. Inspired by the ethos and approach I decided to stay. I completed the BA in Curative Education and have worked here ever since.   


What does your role at Camphill School Aberdeen consist of?

I am Head of Care with a particular focus on the support provided for our residential young people, and I work closely with all of the House Co-ordinators. I’m also a member of the Senior Management Team carrying the day-to-day responsibility for CSA.


Are there any key highlights that stand out for you during your time at Camphill School Aberdeen?

A key highlight for me is to be part of a vibrant and diverse Camphill community of people with different backgrounds, talents, strengths and gifts. It is both humbling and inspiring to work with those with complex needs and their families.


How much of a difference will the capital appeal campaign when complete make to students and their families at Camphill School Aberdeen?

The capital campaign will enable us to continue to support more young people with complex additional support needs.




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