Meet Jim Cameron, our Facilities Manager

August 19, 2022

How long have you worked at Camphill School Aberdeen?

I have worked at Camphill School Aberdeen for five years! It’s actually my work anniversary this week!

What brought you to Camphill School Aberdeen?

I worked as an operations manager for Europe for an Oil and Gas company and decided that I wanted a change of pace and to give back to the community. You know, too much stress is bad for you! My wife works as a Cook in one of the residential houses, so I knew about all of the amazing work Camphill does for the local community. It was the perfect opportunity to give back and also live a less stressful life.  

What does your role at Camphill School Aberdeen consist of? And how does it benefit the students?

My role at Camphill School Aberdeen is Facilities Manager. Within the role, I ensure that the buildings and land are maintained and ensure the safety of our students and staff onsite. Working around the needs of our young people can be challenging at times, we have to find bespoke ways to do things on the estate to reduce noise and maintain structure for the students. For example, something we implemented recently was purchasing sheep to cut the grass around areas where we cannot use a lawnmower. We also use different equipment to reduce noise etc.

Are there any key highlights that stand out for you during your time at Camphill School Aberdeen?

Looking back now, the way we dealt with the pandemic is something I am really proud of. The way we worked pre-covid, was not compatible with the rules put in place by the government. Staff and volunteers would go back and forth between the residential houses, so we had to adapt quickly and have strict rules within the houses to keep our vulnerable students safe. We also had challenges with care supplies and accessing certain products. But we overcame all of these challenges. Because of the pandemic and lockdowns, it enabled us to do a lot more outside work, which we wouldn’t have had time for before. I am really proud of how we all came together. We have such a great unique community at Camphill School Aberdeen.

How much of a difference will the capital appeal campaign when complete make to students and their families at Camphill School Aberdeen?

The capital appeal campaign once completed will make such a difference to our students and their families. Being able to open our doors to even more young people who need our support is hugely important. A lot of our buildings are old and need to be modernised, which will make a difference for our staff and our students to have better facilities to live and work in. Modern buildings will also ensure that we meet our sustainability targets, which is a key ethos at Camphill.

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