Meet Rob Clunas, our Major Gifts Officer

May 12, 2022

How long have you worked at Camphill School Aberdeen?

I work for Camphill Estates, a charity which works in partnership to create world-class facilities and environments for 5 local Camphill Communities. We support Camphill School Aberdeen to deliver specialist projects such as the new residential house and social enterprise. I am relatively new and have only been working with Camphill Estates since September 2021.


What brought you to Camphill School Aberdeen?

I love the ethos of sustainability, the circular economy and the way the young people are the heart of the community here. I never knew the vast history when I started but the more I learn the more I grow to realise how special this place really is.


What is your role at Camphill School Aberdeen?

As the major gifts officer for Camphill Estates, I work to secure support for major projects that the school is engaging with, large scale capital projects like the new house project or smaller scale like the upgrading of the greenhouses in the garden. All support makes a massive difference and brilliant to see these things come to life with the help of others.


Are there any key highlights that stand out for you during your time at Camphill School Aberdeen so far?

I love undertaking tours, introducing people to this amazing place. It’s wonderful to see how enthusiastic everyone becomes as they witness first hand the difference Camphill School makes to the young people and how happy they are here. 


How much of a difference will the capital appeal campaign when complete make to students and their families at Camphill School Aberdeen?

From the stories I’ve heard from parents and having first-hand experience of the progress that the young people make here – Camphill School Aberdeen is a lifeline.

Families in the local area desperately need support and this new facility will increase the number of residential places in this incredible community. Meaning more vulnerable young people can access our services and truly benefit from what we offer here. 

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