Meet Mia, Gap Year Volunteer at Camphill School Aberdeen

Gap year volunteers play a key role in life at CamphillSchool Aberdeen, forming an important part of our vibrant community. To celebratetheir fantastic work and highlight the transformative impact a year at CamphillSchool Aberdeen can have, we’re starting a Meet the Volunteer series!

First up, meet Mia from Germany who carried out her gap yearfrom 2019 to 2020.  


1. What’s your name and where are you volunteering from?

My name is Mia. I am 24 years old and from Germany.


2. How did you hear about Camphill School Aberdeen andthe volunteering opportunity?

When I first came to Camphill School Aberdeen in 2019, I hadjust graduated from school and was looking at different places to volunteerthrough a German organisation. In the end, Camphill School Aberdeen felt likethe right place for me.


3. What work have you been involved with during your timeat Camphill School Aberdeen?

I worked in St. Christopher’s House on Murtle Estate,supporting young adults who are attending the Young Adult Program in theirday-to-day life. When my foundation year as volunteer ended in 2020, I decidedto stay and applied for a position as an ASN support worker. I was quite luckyas a position had just opened in St. Christopher’s House.

In 2022, I went back to Germany to study Social Work. Sincethen, I have been coming back to CSA on a respite contract whenever I have thetime to help out. In the past two years, I have spent around 6-7 months workingat Camphill School Aberdeen and I’m always very happy and grateful to comeback.


4. What’s been the highlight of your time at CamphillSchool Aberdeen?

The relationships I have built during my time here areincredibly meaningful, especially with the young adults I support. I feelfortunate knowing they trust me and it’s rewarding to see their excitementwhenever I come back. I have made friends for life and found a second home thatI know I can always come back to.


5. How would you describe the experience in three words?

Fulfilling, meaningful, and inspiring.


6. How will yourtime at Camphill School Aberdeen influence your future?

I will cherish the time I spent here forever. I’ve learnedso much about myself, what I want to do in life, about supporting people, andabout living in a community.

I’ll continue returning to Camphill School Aberdeen fromtime to time in the near future, whether for work or simply for a visit.