We offer integrated care and educational services to young people aged 3 to 25.
Our services are available to children and young people with complex additional support needs and learning disabilities aged 3 to 25. We provide opportunities for students to engage in meaningful activities that grow their skills, confidence, independence, and friendships. At Camphill School Aberdeen students feel a sense of belonging and purpose, preparing them for adulthood.
We offer both day and residential educational services to children and young people aged 5 to 25, and our Amber Kindergarten is for the youngest members of our community aged 3 to 6.
Rated 'very good' by the Care Inspectorate, 2024.
“People regularly had fun and were able to be involved in a wide range of activities and interests. This included workshops in bike maintenance, pottery and felt making. People were able to see the tangible output from their work, for example, from creating a piece of art or a fully operational bike, which provided a sense of achievement and pride,”
Care Inspectorate report 2024.